
UNISON can help you get there.

Connecting you with leadership coaching. Identifying your worship objectives. Clarifying your goals. Aligning your resources behind your priorities.

From wherever you are now, to wherever you want to go: UNISON can help.

Worship Playbook

With your time divided between budgets, meetings, rehearsals, services, and countless other duties that accompany worship ministry, there is little time left to think about your worship priorities. The service on Sunday ran smoothly and people seemed to enjoy it, but did it accomplish your priorities? What are your priorities?

At UNISON, we take the time to understand your church’s unique story, culture, and history. Whether you need to create your first worship priority documents, identify how those priorities can be worked out in real life, or have any other question about how to get from where you are now to wherever you want to be, UNISON’s Worship Playbook will help you get there.

What To Expect

  • We begin with a conversation with your team leader.

  • UNISON will explore your church's unique identity, culture, and history: WHERE YOU ARE NOW.

  • UNISON will understand your team’s goals and priorities: WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.

  • UNISON will create your unique Worship Playbook, detailing how to get from where you are now to where you want to go.

  • UNISON will lead a follow-up conversation with your team leaders for discussion, clarification, and coaching.

Leadership Coaching

Your worship ministry is constantly changing. There are new volunteers to incorporate, staff members to interact with, documents to create, emerging leaders to train, and programs to deploy. Thriving in this environment requires far more than musical skill. You must confidently find your way in the midst of changing circumstances and quickly adjust to new realities. You need to know what strengths you bring to the table and how to consistently deliver outstanding results.

What To Expect

UNISON’s Leadership Coaching is for individuals who are already experiencing success and who desire to see this success reach even greater heights. Our coaching gives leaders the ability to thrive in their role, ask the right questions, build trust, listen for understanding, encourage growth in staff and volunteers, and confidently chart the best path forward.

Worship Playbook +
Leadership Coaching

You want a plan for how to get from where you are to where you want to be AND you want someone who has already walked this path to serve as your trusted advisor and coach. Worship Playbook + Leadership Coaching is for you.

What To Expect

This is UNISON’s most dynamic and powerful offering. When you partner with us to provide the Worship Playbook + Leadership Coaching, we provide all the features of the Worship Playbook and then follow up by coaching your team member through the process of Playbook implementation and beyond. Worship Playbook + Leadership Coaching delivers renewed focus on your objectives, leadership development, and team-wide growth and excitement.